int main()
Finance Game is my first real game. At least the first game I completely programmed myself, without the help of programs like Unity or Construct. Of course I've made other programs and games, and with actual graphics, but, making those games, didn't make me feel like I was in complete control of my creations. Developing such a simple and straightforward game in c++ (the only code I know how to write for now), made me feel like I was one of the first game programmers in history, writing music, writing graphics, writing quests, all in a black screen with a bunch of white letters, without any Adobe animator or sound tools to simplify the process.
if (stillinterested==TRUE)
Of course I didn't do any of those things. I don't think the game needed them, no sound, no graphics, just a bunch of words trying to develop an experience. And a fun one I hope. The game didn't get much attention, I didn't think it was going to anyway, 30 downloads so far. Not even my marketing strategy worked, when I was thinking of how little earnings were going to be I realized that was because I was the only one who cared, and that was because I was the one who did it, so in order to make people interested i had to make people the creators. So I included .cpp file with every free download, so people could modify them and send them to me, and I would include their modifications on the next update and give the developer a percentage of the small earnings. It is still available if you, beloved reader wants to modify it, it doesn't even have to be the code, you could just make suggestions about the gameplay, or create a new logo.
When I was younger I used to play what I call the version 1.0 of Finance Game on my scientific calculator, I started with some money, then use it to create a product, set the prize and add it a random number of times to see if I earned any money or lost everything. To the rest of human beings on earth that could have been boring, and at times it was, but I guess the idea just stuck with me and then I turned into a much more complex game. It's a text-based game, so most gamers won't handle the first shock of no graphics on screen. But even after that, i've managed to trick 30 people into downloading it. I guess it cant be that bad, Ill let you judge it, but please, give feedback.
system (“pause”);
return 0;
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